Well, it's been a while since my last posting!At the end of August I started on the groundwork, built up on a very nice block of wood that cost me the small sum of 1€!
The basic foundation was made with polystyrene, coated with coloured plaster and left to set.Once dry adding the brilliant Heki "wild-grass", a top product.From all of the Heki range I can't stress how great this product is, the grass gives the impression that there is a slight dew on it while under certain lighting.
Following on with the floral elements, this time using some products from Joe-fix Stuidos.If you are looking for the most realistic plants and flora, look no further!Here I added some of their reeds, mainly to give some contrast to the scene but also because they just look so damn good!
It was a good idea too, after the Joe-fix plants were added to the scene things started to look like they were coming together.

Things were starting to look promising, all the layers were built up gradually and after a week or two left to dry I started to remove the dam...with mixed results!
It appears that the Vallejo hasn't cured 100% , asides from that air bubbles appeared pretty much everywhere..
So, back to the drawing board...a new dam has been built and I will try to resurrect this project within the next week or two.All part of the fun and games I guess!